5 Things To Consider When Migrating Your Business IT to the Cloud

2022-10-17 20:03:10

Projections show that around 85% of enterprises will use a could-first principle by 2025.

By switching to cloud services, you can make many improvements to your company, as the benefits of cloud-based infrastructure are only increasing with time.

Your business can easily transition from traditional infrastructure to a cloud-based system with managed IT services. Still, it would help if you considered several things before doing so.

Key factors you need to consider:


1 - Why Are You Moving Your Business to the Cloud?

Before migrating your business to the Cloud, you should have an idea of why you're doing so. Some common reasons are:

  • To house apps
  • Backup and disaster recovery
  • Supplementing on-site storage
  • Providing remote access to workers

You might share some of the reasons above or have different ones more specific to your organisation. Whatever your reasons are, it's essential to align your business strategy with them to make a smooth transition. If you fail to do so, you could run into some issues.

If one of your goals is to acquire more storage space, you might want to ensure you attain it via your cloud-based services and in good time so that your on-site storage does not become insufficient.

At Daisy, we have years of experience in managing IT services, so we can help make sure your transition to cloud computing is efficient and doesn't cause any problems.


2 - Public, Private, or Hybrid?

With managed IT services, there are various options for hosting your cloud infrastructure. You can make it public, private, or hybrid.

A public cloud setup will host your services on a shared network. The public option is a popular one used by services like GCP (Google Cloud Platform) and AWS (Amazon Web Services), allowing others to use it too. Public cloud infrastructure is very cost-effective, as resources are shared, and you only need to pay for what you use.

Private cloud infrastructures host your services on a dedicated server whereby you can manage them internally or through an external provider like Daisy. Private cloud infrastructure requires all the necessary hardware to operate correctly, often making it ideal to choose a third-party provider.

A private cloud setup is often the only suitable choice within highly regulated industries because access to the network requires rigorous controls.

Lastly, a Hybrid cloud infrastructure combines both public and private and is ideal for a business that handles sensitive data. The data is stored on a remote server, allowing other people to access apps externally.


3 - Transformation of Work Culture

When thinking about cloud computing, many people only consider it from a technology perspective; however, it's worth bearing in mind that it will often affect your company's work culture.

Your staff may need to learn new skills to work correctly with your new cloud infrastructure. Workflows will change, so employees must adapt successfully to this too.

Cloud infrastructure promotes collaboration. While it may take some time for your employees to become accustomed to this, they'll soon see the advantages and communicating and working with different teams will become much more natural.

It may also allow some of your employees to work remotely, which can offer a range of benefits for your workers and your company.


4 - Security

The number of cybersecurity attacks on businesses increases every year, so maintaining security is crucial. With any managed IT service, you want to protect your business and employees adequately from such attacks.

At Daisy, we ensure that all services we provide are secure and safe. On top of this, you'll need to make your employees aware of the risks associated with cloud computing and how to avoid them. The people using your network are your first line of defence, so ensure they know what security threats to be aware of to help reduce the risk of an attack.

IoT devices can present a security risk as they don't have the same levels of security as computers. These can include things like smart thermostats and smart door locks. When using such devices, make sure you take precautions to keep your network safe.


5 - Your Current Resources

Before you can start planning your cloud network setup, you need to look at your current infrastructure to determine whether it is sufficient to accommodate the transition to the Cloud.

It's not uncommon for companies to reach a point where they have an excess amount of unused hardware. This accumulation generally happens after a spike in business that increases the hardware demand. Then once the workload returns to standard, the extra hardware is no longer needed and becomes redundant.

Enlisting managed services allows your IT infrastructure to be more easily scaled. This way, you can be sure that you'll have the additional resources when you need them most instead of being left with excess equipment afterwards. In the end, this option saves a lot of money.


Moving Your Business IT Infrastructure to the Cloud

Moving your business IT infrastructure to the Cloud will bring many benefits. Employees can access the data and tools they need from any location, you won't have to worry about managing your hardware, and you can quickly scale your system as required.

Daisy provides IT management, including cloud services, SD-WAN, and off-site storage. We can also offer various other solutions that meet your needs, such as telecoms and software.

To find out more about how we can help your company, contact us today.