6 Reasons to Outsource Your Business Firewall Management

2022-09-12 13:02:45

59% of respondents surveyed on the World Economic Forum Global Cybersecurity Outlook for 2022 reported that responding to a cybersecurity incident would be challenging for them.

The reasoning behind this high percentage? The lack of cybersecurity skills within their team. Worsening this situation further is that the world's continuous technological advances while being the main driver of economic growth, have also led to a higher incidence of cyberattacks.

While firewalls protect your business's IT and are vital to success, management and up-gradation are time-consuming and tedious. 

It can be challenging for your IT department to focus on more pressing business matters when constantly dealing with cybersecurity and compliance requirements. Luckily, outsourcing the firewall management of your business is an option and is highly beneficial.

Keep reading for six good reasons to outsource your firewall management and other related services.

What Is Firewall Management?

A firewall is a hardware or software system that acts as a barrier between an organisation's private network and the outside world. Purposely developed to control network data flow and limit access to only pre-authorised users, firewalls successfully protect data.

Firewall management is the process of managing firewall security from a central location where it monitors incoming and outgoing traffic. When unauthorised access attempts are detected, they are blocked to prevent breaches.


1 - Access to IT Security Experts

Security experts are more in-demand today than ever, thanks to the increasing threat of cyberattacks. Furthermore, keeping a security team together is challenging due to high turnover rates. If a member leaves, the whole team must be replaced, which is an expensive exercise.


When it comes to the constant cybersecurity training and certification required to remain compliant and successful, it's nearly impossible to keep up. However, when you use a team of outsourced experts to manage your firewalls, you don't need to worry about managing an in-house team. Another advantage is that if you fall victim to a cyber-attack, an expert will detect any irregularities much faster and deploy a suitable solution before the menace has time to do significant damage.


Say, for example, you work in a niche or specific industry, you'll likely face several unique and challenging security problems. Thus, it would be best to have professionals with in-depth knowledge of your sector monitoring and managing your security. Many top cybersecurity companies offer specialised support for your specific needs as their staff are professionals with the skills to address cyber security vulnerabilities effectively.


2 - Log Analysis and Access Control

If you have a more substantial IT infrastructure, monitoring access logs and enforcing controls can tie up significant resources.

Compliance requirements related to the POPI Act and international equivalents are standard, and applying them to ensure compliance will require much time, especially for your IT team.

An outsourced firewall security management service can service all these tasks reliably and cost-effectively and ensure multiple layers of protection are in place to protect your data and keep it safe from unauthorised access.

Cyber security experts design customised systems for your business and employ the correct monitoring and authentication strategies to reduce the likelihood of an attack and overcome human errors.


3 - Focus on Your Company's Specialties

It makes sense to hire in-house business IT experts if cyber security is a speciality provided by your company.

Otherwise, employing them in-house is not worth your time and money, and you should outsource to a managed IT service provider. That way, you can keep focused on your core business without maximising operational complexity.


4 - 24/7 Monitoring

Continuous firewall monitoring is one of the main benefits of hiring an IT solutions provider.

Your network and its components are monitored 24/7 throughout the year, allowing you to rest assured that problems are immediately detected if something happens to your firewall.

Your provider can switch to alternate solutions while repairing your primary firewall so the business doesn't suffer downtime.


5 - Save Money

Businesses must consider cybersecurity measures when making budget decisions. In today's society, just like electricity and internet access, it's not something that one can afford to neglect. 

A lack of cyber security measures can leave your business vulnerable to serious problems. These can come in many forms, including data breaches and theft. Both can cost millions in losses (if you are lucky and don't have to shut down altogether due to a significant cybersecurity incident).

Setting up and maintaining a solid firewall management plan takes many IT resources. You'll have to factor in the necessary equipment and infrastructure cost and the spending required to keep software updated and employ an in-house security team.

Alternatively, you can partner with an IT solutions provider to set up a managed firewall and simultaneously save your company inflated costs. 

Furthermore, you will be better prepared and more equipped to protect your technology assets without the expensive surprises that occur due to the lack of planning.


6 - Detect Threats More Quickly

It only takes the average independent cyber-criminal nine and a half hours to penetrate a network. And as we know, when it comes to cybersecurity, time is money. 

Thankfully, holistic security practices will help your organisation identify threats more swiftly as outsourced IT management is fully equipped with the best security tools and experts who are always ready to react in case of a security incident.


Partner With a Business IT Solutions Specialist

Firewalls are essential for protecting network traffic and necessary for compliance. Consider a firewall management service if you lack adequate personnel resources. It is the best way to prevent data breaches and close security gaps.


​Daisy Business Solutions offers a timeless and cost-effective solution for your business IT needs.

Take advantage of a ticket logging help desk, exceptional turnaround times, and an expert service team. We can assist with your hardware protection, surveillance monitoring, and theft prevention needs.

Contact us to learn how we can help.