8 Reasons Companies Should Consider Outsourced IT Services

2022-09-12 13:06:52

Did you know the global managed services market was worth almost $240 billion in 2021 and is projected to grow at a rate of 13.4 per cent yearly until 2030?

With uncertainty characterising workplaces in a post-pandemic world and the rapid growth in managed IT services, compiling the right team for your requirements can be challenging. It's not easy to decide whether hiring an in-house IT team is worth it for your business in the long run.

For these reasons and others, we believe it's well worth considering outsourcing your IT services function, and we're here to tell you why. 

8 main reasons your company should consider outsourced IT services:


1. Reduced Costs

Outsourcing converts preset IT costs into variable ones, allowing for more effective budgeting. Also, you no longer need to invest in training staff or elaborate software programs, as an outsourced IT team handles everything on your behalf.

Furthermore, the costs associated with managing and maintaining your own IT department are not a concern, which is beyond what many startups or smaller businesses can afford in the first place.


2. More Time to Focus on Core Business

When you don't have to worry about your data security, there's more time to focus on the core daily functions of your business. Regardless of what they may be, operations always benefit from dedicated focus.

When immersed in important projects or chasing deadlines, diverting your attention away to focus on things like data management or software updates can also severely hamper productivity in your organisation. Hiring an outsourced IT company removes that responsibility, allowing you to focus on what's essential.


3. Lowers Your Risk

The word "risk" can mean many things for your business, especially in the IT world. Whether it's the risk of things not being done the first time correctly, or the risk involved in restructuring procedures, it is important to analyse the potential impact they all can have.

When outsourcing your IT management, you're placing the management of these risks in the hands of experts. That means less to worry about and the comfort of knowing your problems are addressed from the outset instead of later when it may already be too late, and you can continue with business as usual.


4. Access to Latest Technology

Hiring a managed IT team gives you access to the newest technology as professional teams will always have the most up-to-date and current systems, and you'll thus know your data is in the best possible hands.

Also, given the unprecedented rate at which technology grows, it can be challenging to keep up with everything. It can feel like a significant relief when someone handles your needs.


5. Wider Range of Resources

When you work with an IT support company, you also gain access to their experience across different sectors and industries. They often have unique insight into other areas of interest and can offer tailored expertise specific to your business.

If you're working with the right company and encounter a specific issue, they'll likely have seen something similar before and will be well equipped to provide a solution.


6. Handle High-Level Problems

With their collective experience, they'll also have an easier time handling large-scale problems, and you're, in turn, guaranteed rapid response times. On the contrary, an in-house team may be very effective at supporting your IT systems; however, they might come up short when unique situations arise.


7. Bigger Safety Net

Outsourced IT teams can create a better safety net for managing risks and disaster recovery. They also address IT woes as and when they arise, thus relieving you of the stress that disaster situations bring.

Recovering from large-scale outages and other similar problems can require resources and expertise that are often beyond small business IT departments' abilities. However, a third-party team can help no matter what issues arise. 

They work together with you to develop a plan even before it's needed. An advantage of IT service teams is that they think differently from smaller-scale groups to ensure that your bases are covered.


8. Better Education

They can also help provide an in-depth education in the areas you need the most. Whether training employees on new techniques or guiding you through every step of a recovery plan, your team of experts will have your back.

It's also likely that yours isn't the first team they've trained, meaning they'll know not only what to focus on, but they'll also be able to do it in a way that's easy for you and everyone involved to understand. Your team can target specific pain points and work to help you through them, rather than you having to work extensively with an in-house team to provide support when it's necessary.


Are Managed IT Services Right for You?

Now that you know more about what managed IT services can do for your business, do they seem like something from which you could benefit? Whether you're a newer business or, have been around for a while, outsourcing your IT services can significantly improve overall productivity and the safety of your company's sensitive data.

If you're ready to get started, contact us today.