How to Gear Your Multinational Business with the Correct Connectivity

2022-09-12 12:33:36

Internet connectivity that is reliable and efficient is critical in the modern world. Thus, the government plans to bring a minimum speed of 10Mbps to at least 80% of South Africans.

How is your business connectivity? Is your network infrastructure supporting your needs? Is it helping you to grow or holding you back?

If your business is multinational, it must operate with the highest quality connectivity as a necessity, and in today's world, the highest quality means fiber optic.

Learn more in the article about network infrastructure and how fibre optics can boost your business' connectivity.

What Is Connectivity Infrastructure?

Infrastructure provides a platform through which various devices can connect. It enables a network for internet connectivity, business operations, and communications. It also connects users, services, applications, and processes.


Components of Network Infrastructure

Connectivity infrastructure uses many types of technology and includes hardware, software, services, and facilities. The network hardware component comprises the likes of:

  • Routers
  • Wireless routers for wireless connectivity
  • Switches that connect computers to a local area network (LAN)
  • Servers
  • Cables
  • Hubs and bridges that forward traffic to connected devices
  • Gateways for connecting to various types of networks

Security firewalls are a type of infrastructure software, as are intrusion protection and prevention systems. Wireless protocols and IP addresses are examples of network services.


Advantages of Fiber Optics for Your Business Connectivity

Fibre optic cables provide internet access to all the devices in your network and can form part of the network's hardware. 

Fiber optic cables play a critical role in a connectivity infrastructure because computer systems and other IT components aren't advantageous unless they can operate online.

The quality and efficacy of any network internet connection directly impact the network's performance. In South Africa, business owners have several choices for internet service, including:

  • ADSL (asymmetric digital subscriber line)
  • Cable broadband
  • LTE wireless internet
  • Satellite

Fibre optics, however, have advantages over these other connection types.


Faster Speeds

Faster speed is one of the main benefits of a fibre optic internet connection. This is because data can travel, quite literally, at the speed of light.

Upload and download speeds are equal, known as symmetric speed. Symmetric speed also means that the system can simultaneously handle heavy demands for both uploads and downloads.

Further yet, symmetric speed makes file transfers faster, loads pages more quickly, and offers uninterrupted VOIP and streaming.

It is thus safe to say that faster internet connectivity boosts your employees' productivity.


More Bandwidth

Fibre optic internet offers more available bandwidth to the user. Speed is therefore not lost when demand on the network increases. Activities that typically use a higher level of bandwidth include:

  • Web conferencing
  • Cloud applications
  • File sharing
  • Streaming high-definition video
  • SIP trunking in your voice service

Fiber optic will make a significant difference if your business uses these services regularly by eliminating common frustrations such as pixelated video quality, slow speeds, and delays.


Better Security

Fibre optic internet is more secure than the other types of internet services. Magnetic and electrical interference doesn't affect it.

While copper DSL lines are vulnerable to theft because of the illegal copper market, fibre optic cables do not carry the same risk.

Fibre optic isn't susceptible to cable tapping either. Dedicated fibre lines don't have other users on the same line, making your data more secure.


Importance of Fibre Optic for Multinational Businesses

The benefits of fibre optic internet access are significant for multinational businesses. It would be best to have an agile, scalable, and cloud-optimised connectivity infrastructure. Security and reliability are also crucial factors.



Fibre optic technology gives you more bandwidth than other internet connection options, and it is possible to scale up from an entry-level fibre plan quickly. As your business grows and expands, fibre optic can offer speeds from 100Mbps to 1Gbps.


Cloud Access

Access to the Cloud becomes more and more critical for multinational businesses because it is an essential tool for apps, hosting, and data storage, among other functions. Seamless cloud access also provides your sites with the information and services required to function optimally.

The speed and bandwidth of fibre allow even faster access to the Cloud. Users experience fewer delays which in turn improves productivity and communication.

Using the Cloud reduces IT costs and improves business resiliency and data security. One can confidently transfer all essential business processes to the Cloud with fiber internet.



Communication is essential for a business that has multiple sites in different countries. Fibre optic internet helps such companies ensure that their communication tools work reliably and avoid delays and connectivity issues.

Furthermore, fibre optics can improve the performance of tools like video conferencing and VOIP as one needs not to worry about overloading file-sharing platforms.

Access to software, platforms for communication, and collaboration are all quicker, and there is less risk of downtime.



The security benefits offered by fibre optics are an asset to multinational businesses.

One needs to follow the data privacy and security rules that apply wherever there are operations, as data breaches can result in fines and penalties. Overall, fibre optics help keep data and business more secure.



Reliable connectivity infrastructure is vital for any business. Achieving reliability for infrastructure means ensuring consistent internet as a company grows. The use of fiber optic cables in a network also helps avoid downtime in the following ways: Electromagnetic interference doesn't affect fibre optic cables. Fiber optic cables are durable and can handle extreme environments better than the copper cables used for ADSL internet.


Find Your Perfect Business Connectivity Solution

As network infrastructure plays a prominent role in the success of one's business, choosing fiber optics for your internet connection helps ensure fast and reliable internet access.

Fiber optics will also bring various benefits that support your multinational business. They aid in the growth of companies.

Daisy Connectivity has been providing connectivity solutions to our clients for 30 years. We have the best experience and products to solve your connectivity issues, from small business internet to infrastructure for large enterprises. Our fiber optic solutions include both dedicated fiber and broadband fibre.

We prioritise exceptional customer service, and we offer customer support 24/365. Contact us today to discuss your business connectivity needs. We look forward to helping your organisation grow.