Is It Easy to Integrate and Use a Document Management System?
2022-10-21 14:46:05

Imagine you worked in a library 30 or 50 years ago. How easy would it be for you to find information about the different books in your catalogue?
It was this question that sparked the beginning of document management systems. A DMS system design replaces storing and retrieving paper documents in libraries but was not in any way easy to integrate or use.
Nowadays, however, software applications are far more advanced and have been reworked so that every business can use them efficiently. They are user-friendly and smoothly integrated into organisations of any size.
They offer sophisticated features that help manage information more efficiently, reduce costs, and better serve your customers.
Here's everything you need to know about how easy it is to use document management software.
Document Management Software (DMS) Is a Powerful Tool for Businesses
Document management software (DMS) is a helpful asset for businesses that need to retain large volumes of information in an organised, secure, and accessible fashion, making it increasingly important in the age of remote work.
DMS solutions in virtually every industry are essential to compliance with government regulations and standards such as SABS and POPIA.
As an industry expert, Daisy can help you navigate which document management software is right for you and your budget. Suppose you're considering implementing a document management system. In that case, it may be helpful to understand how these systems work so that you can make an informed choice about the right solution for your needs.
What Is Document Management Software?
Document management software is a system for managing documents. It tracks and stores information, so you can easily find it when needed. The best services ensure you're POPIA compliant so your business is always running professionally.
While there are many different ways to use document management software, they all have the same essential functions. You can store documents in an organised manner and ensure that everyone who needs access can see them.
DMS systems can store any document in any format, including paper copies or scans of physical documents, on optical or flash drives.
From this location, they can be converted into searchable PDFs if desired. DMS systems use image recognition technology to manage non-textual content, including pictures, spreadsheets, and databases, making these items indexed and searchable.
Is It Easy to Integrate and Use a Document Management System?
Document management systems can be easy to integrate and use. You can integrate with existing software, hardware, networks, people, and processes, so you're not required to drastically change how you do things to use a document management system.
Your documents will always be there when you need them and will remain in one place, easily accessible from anywhere in your organisation or externally if necessary.
How Long Does It Take To Get a DMS Set Up and Operational?
Integration time varies depending on your business's size, your system's complexity, and how much training is required.
The larger your organisation, the more time you will need to integrate it into an existing system. If multiple modules and functions within the system need integration, you will require more time for this part of the process.
The number of users intended to use this new tool will also affect how long you have to integrate everything and subsequently teach users how they'll employ it in their daily workflows.
What Are the Benefits of Using a DMS?
A DMS can benefit your organisation in many ways, including reducing the risk of losing important information. Using a DMS means you can keep track of all your documents while ensuring they're easily accessible to everyone in your organisation.
Reducing the risk that someone might accidentally misplace or lose an important document makes it easier for employees to access the information they need when they need it, which helps them work more efficiently and increases productivity overall.
What Are Some Challenges With Implementing Document Management Software?
If you have a complex business, you may find that your document management software is too difficult to implement. If you run a small legal firm, for example, and use cloud-based document management software like Office 365 or Dropbox Business. In that case, it might not make sense to switch over to an on-premises solution like SharePoint Server 2016 because they're incompatible. In this situation, you'd need to choose another service or set up an entirely new infrastructure on top of existing systems that already work well for you.
Are There Alternatives to Document Management Systems?
There are a few alternatives to document management systems. One alternative is hard-copy storage, which stores documents on paper. It's an excellent option for businesses with very little data and the need to keep it for only a short time.
Cloud storage is another one of the best document management tools. Although it is usually more expensive than other options, it has the benefit of being accessible from any location requiring only an internet connection.
Cloud options prove helpful if your team works remotely or you're often travelling. A downside is that since files aren't stored locally, they may not be available when the power goes out, or there's no connectivity due to weather conditions.
Email is one of the most popular ways people share information today, and business connectivity has never been more critical. It has many benefits over traditional methods, including faxing documents back and forth.
However, email doesn't offer version control. Therefore, it's easy for multiple versions of documents to get mixed up when sent through this channel. Electronic document management is a superior alternative.
Document Management Software Can Help You Retain Information for Later
Document management software is a powerful tool that retains information for later retrieval. It's used in virtually every industry and is essential to compliance with government regulations, such as POPIA.
However, before purchasing document management software or implementing it within your business, you should be aware of certain features so that you don't waste time or money on a system that doesn't work well for you.
To see how we can assist you with document management solutions, be sure to contact us today, as Daisy is a leading expert in DMS solutions.