Strategic IT solutions

2022-10-14 17:26:06

Strategic IT solutions Matter So Much More Than You Think! 

Strategic IT solutions are crucial to the growth and performance optimisation of a business. Contrary to historical belief, the IT infrastructure of today extends far beyond the tangible aspects of hardware, servers, storage, power, support, and maintenance, and into the realm of assessing how effective it is and can be. A well-designed infrastructure solution works for your business, ensures scalability, enhances employee productivity, streamlines processes, increases efficiencies, and empowers your workforce. Strategic IT solutions can be your business’s competitive advantage. One that makes money for you and does not cost you money.

“A company’s information technology (IT) systems may be the single most important factor determining its strategic success or failure.” Harvard Business Review.

Why are ‘modern Strategic IT solutions’ so important?

Your legacy infrastructure may very well be “working”, but is it, in fact, merely just existing? 

Recent pandemic-related challenges have forced businesses to quickly evolve their hosting and cloud solutions that enable remote and mobile work environments. Companies consist of people who rely on technology to get the job done effectively, and thus, outdated and inadequate infrastructures no longer serve a business’s best interests. 

Instead, they result in frustrated employees, decreased efficiency and productivity, and will end up costing you much more in the long run.

Parallel software and hardware products that back up and support these evolutionary changes go further still to incorporate IT security, better connectivity, computing speed, and overall reliability. The result is a safer and more secure IT environment, a prerequisite in today’s world of work. 

"Technology is like a fish. The longer it stays on the shelf, the less desirable it becomes." Andrew Heller.


Look out for the signs your ITI is set to kick the bucket…

  • Downtime on the rise due to servers having to work harder to cope with an increased workload is a significant warning sign that it’s time to modernise.
  • Insufficient storage space or power allocation as your business grows and scales up leads to slower systems operation and server crashes. Knock-on effects of these in the form of loss of valuable data and dips in team productivity are indicators that your facility is overloaded.
  • Compatibility issues arise through the inability to integrate new software and applications into legacy infrastructure. They lead to communication and collaboration problems. Compatibility is a crucial aspect of a smoothly running business as it enables your hardware to sync easily, share, operate the same software, and a single system effortlessly manages it.
  • Old computers can be more of a problem than you know. They were fantastic when you bought them some years ago; now, they crawl, freeze, and frustrate you rather than let you get things done. Hybrid devices like tablets and the like are a solid investment that offers flexibility to your staff and supply cost-effective access to modern technology while supporting the mobile work model. 
  • Out-of-date software poses risks to entire networks as it is vulnerable to malware, viruses, and cyber-attacks. Getting out of the comfort bubble of familiarity and taking the upgrade leap ensures industry compliance and long-term employee satisfaction.  
  • You’re not yet taking advantage of the cloud. Cloud computing that is revolutionising the way we do business offers processing power, ample data storage, flexibility, consistency, improved collaboration ability, security, and the list goes on. We cannot afford not to be onboard the cloud! 
  • Costs are high. If your IT solutions and energy costs are stealing from other essential business functions and developments, the time has arrived to consider new hardware and other cost-saving components that use fewer resources while doing more work. 
  • You don’t have a reliable backup and data recovery plan in place. Mitigate risk by ensuring that your business has protection from disasters such as data loss, power outage, cyber-crime, and loss of primary systems.  


Technology exists to make life easier. If your strategic IT solutions are not working for you, it’s time to elevate the importance of your IT, have the infrastructure conversation, and make sound investments for the future. "Daisy IT " is here to listen and help and develop your IT solutions.