The Bullpen

Company Updates and Industry Related Articles

How Green Energy Benefits Businesses and the Environment

2022-10-17 20:12:38

The use of green energy is on an upward trajectory, so if you're still on the fence about whether you should use this kind of energy for your business, then it is safe to say that you need to get on board as soon as possible.

5 Things To Consider When Migrating Your Business IT to the Cloud

2022-10-17 20:03:10

Projections show that around 85% of enterprises will use a could-first principle by 2025.

By switching to cloud services, you can make many improvements to your company, as the benefits of cloud-based infrastructure are only increasing with time.

What Happens to Your PABX System When It's Hit by Load Shedding?

2022-10-17 20:00:20

With private automatic branch exchange (PABX) being the frontline for many companies, it's essential that they keep working, even when the surrounding area is in a loadshedding period.

What are the Benefits of the Cloud for Businesses?

2022-10-17 19:56:30

Are you still wondering why you should use managed cloud computing? We discuss a few reasons to consider it.

What's an IT Data Breach Liability Report and Why They're Important

2022-10-17 19:50:14

Every day, over 30,000 websites are victims of hacking, and no company, big or small, is exempt from threats. So why are so many businesses still not taking sufficient steps to stay safe?

What Is an IT Risk Report, and How Do They Benefit Businesses?

2022-10-17 19:40:06

Did you know that 66% of small businesses are concerned or extremely concerned about cyber security risks? The same percentage of companies also fear compromising their customer data.

Why Regular IT Infrastructure Assessments Are Necessary

2022-10-17 19:34:57

Having your IT infrastructure in order is crucial. One significant IT slip-up can cause a ripple effect that may disrupt your systems and prevent employees from performing their jobs.

How Working Environments Have Changed: The Impacts of COVID & More

2022-10-17 19:32:06

By June 2021, around 50% of South Africa's workforce had transitioned to remote work.

Although this transition has been underway for some time, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated it due to its impact on working environments. The result is an enormous change in the way we conduct our work.

Printing Solutions

2022-10-17 19:30:00

Although we live in an age where business operations are defined by cloud computing, file sharing, tablets and, smartphones, there remain areas of industry that rely on printing to communicate effectively with their clients and between their co-workers. When it comes to printing solutions for various business environments, there are many options available whereby modern multifunctional devices now provide solutions to problems faced by obsolete printers.

Enterprise Security

2022-10-17 19:27:02

Adequate enterprise security is a layered defence and is only achieved through using a combination of cyber security tools and being attentive.

Alternative Energy Solutions

2022-10-17 19:26:37

Alternative Energy Solutions are a must-have in this day and age for any companies that are tired of having their production and operational processes interrupted. Power supply unreliability coupled with brutal price increases has finally forced a critical mass of South Africa to take energy-saving seriously and start implementing sustainable and alternative energy solutions.

Commercial Security - Prevention is better than cure

2022-10-17 19:22:51

The benefits of protecting your Assets, Employees, and Customers are too many to count. Simply put, though, any form of revenue loss, asset endangerment, or reputational damage is worth protecting and, more ideally, preventing. Protection against these and other dangers requires securing your employees, customers, information, building, equipment, and all revenue-generating assets.