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Company Updates and Industry Related Articles

Voice Communication And The Power Of Modern PABX Systems

2022-09-12 12:18:08

Nothing is worse than struggling to hear incoming calls. As a business, clear communication with employees and clients is vital. For this reason, it's essential to know the advantages and advanced features of a modern PABX system. These modern business telecoms communication systems will allow you to take the next step toward having state-of-the-art business communications.

What Are Unified Communications And How Do They Benefit Business?

2022-09-11 19:33:34

Global Market Analysis report that Unified Communications (UC) will be worth $167.1 billion by 2025. As businesses seek new ways to operate more efficiently and grow, they must consider improving their communications. Providing the right communication technology and tools for employees is critical to the growth of a business. Thus the need for it.

5 Powerful Benefits of Analytics And Report Automation for Businesses

2022-09-11 19:32:29

With the world of business becoming more competitive by the day, companies must stay ahead of the curve and make good use of all the tools at their disposal. Two essential tools for modern businesses are data analytics and report automation.

A Guide To Understanding Information And Communication Technology

2022-09-11 19:31:16

In 2021 global statistics placed Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Top 10 of the largest industries in the world. With a market size in the trillions, still, many don't fully understand what ICT is. 

If you're one of those people, fear not. This quick guide will walk you through what you need to know about ICT and digital communication. It'll also highlight some ICT trends driving the industry in 2022. 

Office Automation Tools That Will Make A Difference To Any Office

2022-09-11 19:30:02

The field of automation is growing to surpass $355 billion by 2028. Using automated tools saves time and money, helps with data storage, and allows you to implement effective office workflows. 

Using the latest and hottest tools will result in remarkable results. 

Ensure You Have The Best Business Connectivity With Daisy

2022-09-11 19:28:49

South Africa's internet speeds have doubled in just the last few years, and they seem on track to become even faster still. With all this extra speed, business connectivity is more important than ever. 

But what type of small business internet should you focus on to help improve your connectivity? Read on for your guide to connectivity solutions that can help your business thrive!

The Power Of Workflow Software And Workflow Automation

2022-09-11 19:27:47

One of the top challenges facing small businesses is fatigue: the hours and the stress expended in the name of performance wear down even the best business owners and their employees. 

But what if you could get more work done, with less effort, and in less time? Enter: Business Process Management (BPM). BPM uses several methods to optimise business processes. One of those is workflow software. 

Your Guide To Document Management And Automation

2022-09-11 19:26:15

If your business keeps paper files in a filing cabinet, you need to pause and read this article.

Gone are the days when office spaces remained cluttered with paper documents. Nowadays, we have automated document management. This software safely stores and manages files quickly and efficiently. And, you can use document imaging to convert your paper files to digital ones.

Physical Access Control Is Important When Automating Your Office

2022-09-11 19:24:30

Increasingly more businesses are looking to automate their buildings to pace with the digital world. This automation conserves a notable amount of energy and offers many conveniences for workers.

Automation services often link office functions to mobile devices. This way, one can control them at any time of day!

Understanding the Importance of Data Storage

2022-09-11 19:23:23

Did you know that in 2020, the world's total data created grew up to 59 million zettabytes? Imagine how much that is if one zettabyte is equal to a billion terabytes. In the age of digital information, businesses use data storage solutions to thrive. It lessens website traffic, ensuring both employees and customers experience enhanced transactions.

Understanding the World of Office Automation

2022-09-11 19:20:28

Office Automation (OA) is a general term that refers to the various computer systems and software used to produce, store, alter and communicate office information. Office automation enables these processes to occur digitally and without human intervention.